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Review Short Stories about "I Can't Believe You're Mine."

Title : I Can't Believe You're Mine

     From the story, it tells the story of a person's love at a very beautiful and colorful autumn. The story has the strongest romantic atmosphere. Naturally, the content of the story is very good, because judging from the title it is very interesting. This short story also describes a situation that is very weighty so that readers are impressed when reading the contents of the story. The story is very romantic and in it contains very meaningful words.
     This short story has a very high diction and this is what invites the reader to be interested and that is also its main strength. The combination of the character with a romantic atmosphere accompanied by autumn, then the statement of the character's heart, and the use of very 'straight' vocabulary in each sentence so that it has a special appeal to the reader. The content is truly extraordinary, in the choice of words and the combination of autumn, and a romantic atmosphere. Then, accompanied by the expression of feelings in it. It really blends the contents of the story in various aspects.

     Looking at the contents of the story, I think it contains several parts that even contain adult scenes that sometimes spoil the mood of the reader, which is inappropriate for minors to read. However, with this scene, most adults are actually interested in reading. In the story implies about the courage of someone who expresses the feelings he feels towards a loved one. The elegant choice of words makes this short story look extraordinary to the reader. This short story presents a very touching value about how someone who does not believe that he belongs to him.

     I think this short story is not long-winded, and gives a beautiful meaning in every sentence. Each sentence contains an unusual and elegant vocabulary. Readers can understand the meaning of each sentence so that they feel that the story has high value. The author is very clever in uniting in terms of word choice, atmosphere, and place so that the reader does not feel bored quickly. The negative value of this short story is that there are adult scenes which in my opinion are inappropriate to be included in the short story. However, I like the short story, because it tells a romantic atmosphere.
