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Analyzing the intrinsic literary of the short story entitled "Love is Destiny".

The theme of the short story “Love is Destiny” is a love story of someone who is matched by their parents but even so, they are still destined to be with the partner they choose.

The plot of the short story "Love is Destiny" is to use a forward plot, because the direction of the story does not tell the past or the past and continues to move forward so that it makes it easier for readers to understand the meaning of the story. This story is told from planning -> culminating problems -> togetherness - Happy ending.

Characters and characterizations
     • Characters from the short story “Love is Destiny”:
       1. Mr. Arthur
       2. Mrs. Arthur
       3. Victor
       4. Catherine
       5. Alice
       6. Edward

     • Characterizations
       1. Mr. Arthur
   The characterization of the character who plays "Mr. Arthur" is shown by how he behaves towards his wife and children as evidenced by providing the right solution. The character of the character "Mr. Arthur" is firm, wise and loving.
       2. Mrs. Arthur
   The characterization of the character "Mrs. Arthur" is by showing how the attitude and words that she utters directly. The character of "Mrs. Arthur" is selfish and hot-tempered.
       3. Victor
   The characterization of the character who plays "Victor" is also shown directly how he behaves and speaks. The character of the character "Victor" is firm, liar, cunning and loving.
     4. Catherine
   The characterization of the character "Catherine" is seen from the behavior and procedures she behaves towards other people. The character of the character "Catherine" is kind, loyal, timid and forgiving.
     5. Alice
   The characterization of the character "Alice" is the way she treats someone. The character of "Alice" is stubborn, selfish and vindictive.
     6. Edward
   The characterization of the character who plays "Edward" is also shown directly how he shows behavior and language speech to others. The character of the character "Edward" is a hater, short-tempered and honest.

✓ Setting
     • Place setting:
       At home and in the Rainbow Park.
     • Time setting:
       The time setting for the short story "Love is Destiny" is 10 pm and the next days.
     • Social setting:
       All the characters mingle with each other, this is evidenced by the conversations between the characters.

✓ The point of view
   The point of view used is the third person plural point of view as evidenced by the character "they" who experienced all the events in the short story. As in the sentence "They went back to their respective homes, and luckily they didn't realize that Edward was there." This shows that the use of the word "they" is used as the author's point of view.

✓ The mandate
   The mandate of the short story is that no matter how complicated a person's love story is, if he is our destiny, it will still be ours. Face any problems that occur and keep fighting for the relationship we have. The love that became our destiny will forever be ours despite the various trials that occur.
