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Planning Triple Dates

One day, three friends were gathering at a boarding house. They often get together in their free time. All three come from the island of Bawean, Gresik. They migrated to Jember to study. Of course, they are far away from their respective boyfriends. Currently, they were talking while snacking on the bed.

Ain: "Yanti, do you want to go back to Bawean for our holiday of semester?" (While opening the snack pack).

Yanti: "I plan to go home during the holiday of semester. How about you, tul?"

Latul: "Hmmm, I don't know whether to go home or not. Still confused" (While holding his head, Latul is confused).

Ain: "Come on, Latul. Just go home, we are planning a triple date for vacation now" (Ain laughs while imagining it).

Yanti: "Wow, that's exciting too. Good plan. But Latul still doesn't know whether to go home or not?"

Ain: "Surely!, she will if we persuade her" (While glancing at Latul).

Latul: "It's also fun if you have a triple date. What's a good place to be?"

Ain: "You don't have to think about a good place, you're not sure whether you want to go home or not."

Yanti: "Well yeah, that's right Ain!"

Ain: "Anyway Latul has to go home too" (In a demanding tone).

Yanti: "I'm sorry for your boyfriend, I'll miss my boyfriend. You also miss too right?"

Latul: "Don't ask about that, I really miss it (laughs). But I'm confused about whether to go home or not during the semester break. It's up to you later. If someone tells me to go home and sends money to go home, well, I'll go home." (Latul laughing again).

Yanti: "Hopefully there is the best way for you to go home, Latul."

(Latul & Ain answered Yanti's good prayer)
Ain who likes to be hallucinated, he starts talking again about the triple date.

Ain: "By the way, sorry for Yanti's boyfriend. He is still going around Bawean to pick up Yanti" (Ain laughs out loud).

Latul: "Yeah, that's too bad" (Latul also laughs).

Yanti: "Huuu, okay just because your boyfriend's house is not far from yours" (Yanti glanced at her while joking with the two of them).

Latul: "If I want to go out with my boyfriend, all I have to do is call and wait about 5 minutes and I'll be meet him at home. However, Yanti still has 30 minutes to wait for her boyfriend" (Latul laughs).

Ain: "Yes, it's a pity that Ain is far away from his boyfriend's house" (said Ain while smiling at Yanti, with a tone that wanted to mock Ain again).

Latul: "We have to plan this triple date, if I don't go home for the holiday of semester, let's make the month of Ramadan holiday. How about it?"

Ain: "I'm up to you guys. If you Yanti?"

Yanti: "My boyfriend, if the month of Ramadan isn't in Bawean, he wants to go abroad" (Yanti with a sad face).

Ain: "Oh I see, what a pity" (Ain mocked Yanti with a smile).

Latul: "It's difficult..... Just walk alone then, if you're around it's bound to be crowded and really annoying" (Latul laughs out loud).

Yanti & Ain: "Oh my gosh" (they laughed too).

 (Duk...duk...duk.... Azan Maghrib)

Latul: "Alright, don't keep talking, we'll plan a triple date later and talk another time. Now that it's time to call to prayer, we pray first so that the triple date can be accomplished" (Latul smiles at Ain & Yanti).

The three of them went to the bathroom to take ablution' and ended their talk.

