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Accidents in the Rain

In the afternoon, on a rainy day. There were four friends who took part in the event at an NU place. They were in a hurry to start again because the sun was almost setting which meant that night would come. The four of them had already planned how they could go home with each raining situation. Riyah approached Suha, Yanti, and Caca.

Riyah: Guys, how are we going home if the rain doesn't stop?

Winda: Shouldn't we wait for the rain to stop first?

Suha: Looks like the rain will last, if only we wait for the rain to stop we'll be here waiting until night.

Caca: It's all our fault, we already know it's the rainy season but no one brings a coat.

Winda: It's a hassle at this rate!

Suha: Hala you Ca, it's like you want to wear a coat even though you bring it.

Riyah: Hhhhhhhhhh. You are right Soha. Caca said that because he didn't bring a coat anymore.

Winda: So why Ca, why did they say that? Are you embarrassed what if you wear a coat? (Winda smiles)

Caca: What the heck are you guys, I'm not ashamed. It's just like it's complicated when you wear a coat, it's better when it's raining.

Suha: Complicated what embarrassment? (Suha mocks Caca again)

Caca: Do you like to wear Riyah's coat when it rains?
 Riyah: No (Riyah laughs)

Winda: Halahhh, you pretend to say that to Caca. Even though you yourself don't like wearing coats either.

Suha: Don't you want to go home? Why are you still arguing about coats?

Winda: Even if you want to go home, how can you do it, Suha?

Riyah: Want to get rained on?

Caca: For me it's okay. Want to rain or want to wait for the rain to stop it's okay.

Winda: Let's just wait until the rain subsides a bit, friends!

Suha: Yes, that's it then. Let's just wait for the rain.

A few minutes later, the rain had let up a bit. They immediately got ready and cleared their things to hurry back to their respective homes.

Winda: Looks like the rain has stopped a bit.

Caca: Yes..... How about going home now?

Suha: Let's go home while it cools down a bit. I'm afraid it will rain again.

Riyah: Just take it slow, take the motorbike, don't speed it.

Caca: Yeah, just slow down, it's raining anyway. Surely the road must also be slippery.

Riyah: Suha, you're the one who drives. I'm afraid if it rains like this, I'll take my motorbike.

Suha: Yes, I brought the motorbike.

Caca: Winda, do you drive too? Heheheh.......

Winda: Okay, but later if I'm tired I'll take turns.

The four of them rushed home, and when they arrived in the middle of the trip, they suddenly heard a brakkkk sound. Caca and Winda were lying on the side of the road.

Suha: Caca, Winda. (Calls in a panicked tone of voice)

Riyah: Soha, how about this? We must help them quickly!

Suha: How do we want to help? If we get off the motorbike we will fall too. (Suha tries to get off the motorbike)

Riyah: Besides, we carry a lot of this stuff. It's hard to help them.

Caca: Riyah, Suha, help me....... (Caca is weak and in pain)

Caca: Winda, my leg hurts.

Winda immediately stood up and turned off the motorcycle. They immediately woke up from the accident. Both immediately got on the motorcycle and started to continue the journey towards the house. Both of them were laughing because of that incident. They're cute when you think about it.

Winda: How come we have an accident instead of laughing. (While holding back laughter)

Caca: It's funny to me too. (Caca laughs)

Riyah: I was really sorry to see the faces of the two of them but it's cute, lol.

Suha: I also want to laugh when I see their facial expressions.

Winda: Even people with accidents are laughed at.

Caca: I just had an accident now but it's actually funny.

Riyah: Besides, people around you just stare, don't help.

Caca: Well maybe, because we just had an accident laughing. That's why people don't help.

Winda: Yeah, I saw Caca's face, it was really funny when he asked for help from you two.

Riyah: Let's go home, it's getting late.

Suha: Don't go this way....... let's go home that way. Here the road is damaged and very slippery.

Winda: Besides, the roads here are still being repaired.

Riyah: Oh yeah, how are you Ca, Da? How bad is it?

Caca: No, it's just a little wound.

Winda: It's only the motorbike that scratches the asphalt on the road. If only I had a little bruise.

Suha: Thank goodness it's nothing serious.

Riyah: Well, let's just go home from there, just take it slow. Focus on the road if you take a motorbike.

Suha: You are in front, let me be behind.

Caca: I'm really shaking, Da......

Winda: Yeah with me too.

Caca: Yes, let's take the motorbike slowly, the important thing is to get home safely.

Ishaq's call to prayer was heard. They arrived at their respective homes.

From this incident, we can take the lesson that we must be more careful when it rains and prepare everything to avoid unwanted things.

