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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2022

My Brother

Haris Afendi is my brother's name. He was born in Gresik, exactly Bawean island on January 28, 1993. From childhood to senior high school, my brother lived in Bawean and was educated there. After completing MA in Mambaul Falah, my brother decided to seek experience across the island, namely Gresik. My brother there has found a very comfortable place to work, but because my brother is usually spoiled by his mother and is not used to living outside the island of Bawean, he finally decided to stop working and continue his education in Bawean. On this remote island, my brother met his partner. Its name is Mukaddimah. They were matched and met by their own friends who happened to both know each other. They decided to get married in 2019, and I was in the second grade on senior hight school at that time. After one year of marriage they were blessed with a child named Lukmanul Hakim. My brother is very responsible for his little family. Various jobs he did to meet the needs

Love (Poem)

Love is a dreams Comes for a moment then disappears Leaving some moments to remembers Like a rainbow filling after the rains So beautiful and colorfuls Impressing lovers Tickle our hearts Love always shine That will illuminate in every darksome But will be destroyed with a lie Like the sunlight That shines in the daylight  Then go at night  Love is like a mystery What only the owner of the heart feely Which sometimes makes the heart become empty

The Struggle of A Trader to Support his Family

When I was heading home from campus accompanied by the scorching heat of the sun, I accidentally observed a man who was selling dealing with buyers using a large umbrella to protect himself and his sales from the heat and rain. Selling passionately without thinking about the weather conditions around him. Every day he came to sell from morning to evening. How eager this man is to make a living, without thinking about how tired it is to wait for buyers to come to him. A man who may already have a family is working diligently to make a living regardless of how hot the day. The spirit of this old man should be an example of how he looks very tired but still sells. How long and how the weather around him he doesn't care just because to wait for buyers to come, he never gives up to make the sale run out. Therefore, no matter how tired we are, we should never complain, make this man's sacrifice a motivation for our enthusiasm to learn.

Review Short Stories about "I Can't Believe You're Mine."

Title : I Can't Believe You're Mine      From the story, it tells the story of a person's love at a very beautiful and colorful autumn. The story has the strongest romantic atmosphere. Naturally, the content of the story is very good, because judging from the title it is very interesting. This short story also describes a situation that is very weighty so that readers are impressed when reading the contents of the story. The story is very romantic and in it contains very meaningful words.            This short story has a very high diction and this is what invites the reader to be interested and that is also its main strength. The combination of the character with a romantic atmosphere accompanied by autumn, then the statement of the character's heart, and the use of very 'straight' vocabulary in each sentence so that it has a special appeal to the reader. The content is truly extraordinary, in the choice of words and the combination of autumn, and a

Fraudsters disguised as pulses selling agents

     Last year, an unknown number sent a message that fooled me. When I woke up, I opened my cellphone and there was an incoming message from an unknown number. The message contains about how to sell pulse at a low price. I often get messages like that, but I never respond. Then, for some reason at that time I was interested in trying it. I am a very hard person to believe if a message contains a sale from an unknown number. However, at that time I was fun to try it and follow the steps listed in the message.      I followed step by step, and the pulses balance entered my number. Meanwhile, to use the credit balance, I have to pay according to the pulses balance. I deliberately did not pay first and wanted to try to use the pulse balance, whether it can be used or not. Apparently, if you don’t pay, the pulse balance can’t be used. Suddenly the scammer asked me to transfer a large amount of money. I immediately transferred the money to the account number he had provided. After that, t